#WorkFromRobe diaries dives into what it is really like to be a busy professional woman who works from home. For many of us, working from home each day and finding the balance between your personal and business life is a struggle.
It is our pleasure to introduce to you Jordana Guimaraes, Co-Founder of Fashinnovation, wife of Marcelo Guimaraes, entrepreneur/ PR guru, and mother of 2 baby girls. Fashinnovation bridges the gap between the fashion & technology industries, bringing innovations to the forefront based on the latest tendencies. Philanthropically, Jordana has recently published her first book in the aims of raising awareness to homelessness, titled: It Can Be You: Humanizing Homelessness.
Occupation: Co-Founder, Fashinnovation
Age: 41
Typical Work From Home Schedule:
“During the week I typically wake up around 6 AM with the help of my two baby girls. The morning is our time together without phones or distractions, them only. I dress them for the day, have breakfast with them and drive them to school. One I return home, I make a necessary cup of coffee and start work; calls, emails, meetings, etc. It is usually non-stop until I am able to take a break for lunch where I make sure to go outside and get fresh air. Then back at it with work calls, emails, and meetings. I end my day at 5:30 PM and it's all about my family again. At 7 PM after putting my babies to bed, it's time for a glass of wine and dinner with my husband. Exhausted from the day I head to bed at 9 PM.”
Best Productivity Tip:
“Try not to be perfect and know that you're best is enough. Perfection is an unreachable concept that many people get caught up in. Doing the best to your ability or giving it your all is greater than perfection.”
Productivity for the week (1- very productive and 5- not productive
How much balance between work and your personal life did you have this week? (1- very balanced and 5- not balanced at all)
Additional Tips to Share
"Passion and Persistence goes a long way! Every woman has something unique that they can offer to the world, and it's all about making your dreams turn into reality. When you dream something it means that it's your destiny to make that dream come true, and with that passion, lots of persistence and no fear you can really go a long way."
Favorite WorkRobe
Blouse Robe!