#WorkFromRobe Diaries with Stephanie Cartin

#WorkFromRobe Diaries with Stephanie Cartin

#WorkFromRobe diaries dives into what it is really like to be a busy professional woman who works from home. For many of us, working from home each day and finding the balance between your personal and business life is a struggle.

I am the co-founder of the social media agency Socialfly, co-founder of Entreprenista, co-host of the Entreprenista podcast and co-founder of Markid. After a harrowing experience during my infertility and pregnancy, I have also become an advocate for women going through complicated infertility and pregnancy journey's. When I am not singing show tunes with Mollie or enjoying the Florida sunshine, I am focused on helping as many women launch and grow their business in the Entreprenista League, our membership community for women founders and leaders.

Occupation: Mom + Co-Founder of Entreprenista, Socialfly and Markid

Age: 37

Typical Work From Home Schedule: 

“Weekdays I wake up between 6:00 and 6:30 AM. I shower and get dressed while my husband makes breakfast and coffee for the family. I go downstairs to eat, have coffee and play with Mollie, usually singing and dancing before I start my workday at 8:30 AM. I am focused from 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM on back to back zoom calls as I am building multiple businesses and helping women grow their business through our Entreprenista League resources. I do my best to get outside for a brief walk each day around noon and a few times a day Mollie pops in for milk which is one of the reasons I am so grateful to always be wearing my WorkRobe! “

Best Productivity Tip:

“Schedule everything in your calendar, even lunch breaks and time for yourself. Then review your calendar every Sunday for the week ahead and move things that are not priorities to achieving your goals.”

Stress level for the week (1-not stressed and 5- very stressed) 


Productivity for the week (1- very productive and 5- not productive


How much balance between work and your personal life did you have this week? (1- very balanced and 5- not balanced at all)

Additional Tips to Share

"Community is everything. No matter what you are going through. Whether you're trying to grow your business or you're going through a health challenge, connect with others. This is why we started the Entreprenista League as we wanted to help as many women business owners and leaders as we could."

Favorite WorkRobe

Blouse Robe!

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