Traveling for the holidays but still have to work remotely? We are here to help you make sure your trip goes smoothly without interrupting any work related projects. When it comes to working remotely there are key ingredients to ensure productivity and a healthy work/life balance. From scheduling all meetings and calls ahead of time, there are various necessary plans to make before you hit the road.
Set Expectations
The first and foremost thing to do is set clear expectations and deliverables on any projects that are pending or might be due during your travel. Have a clear to do list on Asana, or any project management platform you prefer. From that list, set yourself due dates. Schedule all necessary meetings that correlate with those due dates in order to know what times during your trip you will need to block in order to be online.
Pack accordingly
First and foremost, all bias aside pack your WorkRobe. Not only does your beloved WorkRobe pack easily but it transitions extremely well from wherever you may be and allows you to be meeting ready in an instant.
Second and just as important is having all the correct electronics with you. Starting with a wifi extender or hotspot. A poor internet connection or no internet connection can make work impossible. Don’t rely on wifi in areas you have not visited before, while many cafe or work locations promise free wifi, it does not always mean the connection will be strong enough.
And lastly make sure your devices have extra battery life! Having a dead phone, tablet, or computer is a digital nomad’s biggest fear. To ensure your devices don't die and pack an extra power supply.
Take time for yourself
While working remotely gives us the freedom to travel when we want without a set schedule it is important to disconnect every once in a while. Technology has made it so easy for us to be connected at any moment in time that shutting off becomes difficult. Make sure to always have an even work/life balance and set time aside on your trip to be in the moment. Whether you pack yourself a face mask or other spa goodies, or go on a long walk with your loved one, taking that time will ensure you return to work the best possible version of yourself.
Now go forth and plan your holiday adventure. Help inspire other work from home women and tag us at @myworkrobe #workfromrobe to be featured on our Instagram account.